Your Help Is Needed!

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Your Help Is Needed!

To help keep costs down and consequently keep your taxes down, we offer the following suggestions:

Brush Pick-up
Please do not throw your brush into a tangled heap. Do not pile it too high. Do not bring it out after the truck has passed. It will not be picked up until the next scheduled month. It will help expedite the work if instructions are followed.

Leaf Pick-up
Rake leaves next to the road. The suction hose extension will not reach too far.

Snow Plowing
Please move cars off the street when you hear the forecast predicting a snowfall. It helps us to do a better job. Do not clean your driveway into the street. It presents a hazardous condition to motorists and is against the law. Keep your garbage cans in your driveway on those snowy days. Helpful hint: When facing the street, pile snow on the right side of your driveway to help avoid the snow plow re-dumping snow into driveway.

Newly seeded areas need water. Please help us to water them.

Street Lights
Within unincorporated Township areas street lights are maintained by ComEd. If you see a street light with a burned-out bulb call ComEd customer service number, 1-800-334-7661. Should a replacement not be made within a reasonable period of time, please call this office. Street lights, if needed in a subdivision, require a petition requesting their installation with the understanding that cost for labor and material will be assessed to the homeowner. After installation, monthly rate usage and maintenance fees are paid from Township funds.

Safety First!
Please watch for construction signs and construction crews working on a project. Slow down and be careful.

Abandoned Vehicles
When reporting an abandoned vehicle, which is parked on the Township Road Right-of-Way, include the following information: make, model, color, location and license plate number.